

UHS is committed to continue caring for your healthcare needs. Telehealth appointments are now available for routine healthcare appointments.  Learn how to access care...

We provide quality medical, health and wellness services to Princeton University undergraduate and graduate students, their dependents, and faculty and staff. UHS is committed to contributing to a healthy learning and working environment. 
Start using our services...


UHS implements a No Visitor policy

自建梯子教程 --Trojan版本 | trojan-tutor:2021-4-10 · 综述 本文简介 本文总结了自己在VPS搭建Trojan-GFW伋理过程中遇到的各种坑,伍及最后的解决方案,伍供大家参考。 本文的宗旨在于,将大量重复性的工作集中到配置过程中,伍让使用过程尽量简单。所伍本文的配置过程相较于网上的某些教程稍微复杂一点,但是如果严格按照本文配置过程配置的 …

UHS supports transgender and gender nonbinary students’ access to gender affirming care; no changes will be made to students’ benefits and services as a result of finalized changes to federal regulation

Student Health Plan (SHP) Plan Year, Benefits and Fee Changes


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